How To Setup Online Store With WordPress

Are you considering starting up your online business but seem confused as to which platform to use? Do you already have a WordPress site and want to make it an E-commerce store? WordPress is a very powerful platform that will help you create a beautiful yet professional and powerful online store. Unlike Magento, WordPress is very easy to use and doesn’t even require a web designer to help you design your store!

So, are you ready to setup your online store? Then let’s get started.

It is assumed that you have already downloaded and installed WordPress. Also, depending on the scope of your online store, you need a good host provider. Do well to check the amount of traffic you expect monthly and pick a web host plan that will accommodate them to

First, Pick An E-commerce Theme.

Your WordPress E-commerce site is only as good as your theme. Depending on what you plan to sell on site, you need a powerful theme that is designed for that purpose. If your site involves selling tech products and gadgets, then it is ideal to get a tech E-commerce theme. If it is a fashion store, a fashion store theme will be appropriate. This will save you the headache of trying to customize a theme to fit your business. Search the WordPress directory or do a search on any search engine and pick a theme that you prefer.

Install Theme and Setup

After installing the E-commerce theme, activate it and proceed with the setup. Be sure to install ALL recommended plugins too and activate them.

Install WooCommerce

WooCommerce will be the plugin to be used with your WordPress theme to create the E-commerce store. WooCommerce has the ability to create landing pages, has shopping cart functionality and is able to process payment. So search for WooCommerce from the WordPress directory and install it. What makes your E-Commerce website different from a regular WordPress website is that you are selling products through your website and that is exactly what WooCommerce helps you do.

Run WooCommerce Wizard

Once WooCommerce plugin is installed, you will then be ready to start setting up your product pages. Simply run the setup wizard and it will do the magic of creating your store. Be sure to complete the set up and install any recommended plugin.

Customize Store

Your store is now ready. Check the permalink to ensure it is user friendly. It is time to customize and make it as stylish as you want. You can use the customize option from the dashboard for this. You will also want to double check the product image settings. Depending on the sizes of the images of your products, you may need to edit the image sizing in your store settings to make sure they show up correctly.

Run Tests

Make sure to buy a few test products from your shop to make sure everything’s running smoothly. It is recommended that you have friends test out your shop to make sure everything on the customer end runs as it should.

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